Notes from the Eclectic Physicians
Notes from the Eclectic Physicians
Properties and Uses – Tonic, astringent, diaphoretic, and diuretic. Used in infusion for headache, colic, cramp, dropsy indigestion, catarrh of the bladder, leucorrhea, gravel and urinary disorders. The fresh root, in substance, irritates the stomach, causing vomitting even in small doses. Externally the leaves are used as a poultice or in fomentation to bruises, ulcers, blows, wounds, sprains, contusions, etc. The Collinsonia Verna C Cordata, C Ovata, C Scabra and other species, probably, possess similar virtues. Dose of the infusion, from half a fluidounce to two fluidounces.
1874: Scudder
We employ an alcoholic fluid extract of the Collinsonia, representing the crude article ounce for ounce. As there area great many imperfect preparations in the market, I would advise that it be procured from one of our own houses in this city.
Collinsonia is a specific in ministers’ sore throat; administered in the proportion of: R Fluid Extract of Collinsonia, Simple Syrup, aal, half teaspoonful to a teaspoonful four times a day.
It proves beneficial in other cases of chronic laryngitis, in chronic bronchitis, and phthisis, allaying irritation, and checking cough.
It also exerts a favourable influence upon the digestive processes, improving the appetite, facilitating digestion, and acting as a general tonic.
It passes off through the kidneys, and exerts a tonic influence upon the entire extent of the urinary tract.
I have thought that its influence was specially exerted upon and through the pneumogastric, relieving irritation of, and giving strength to parts supplied from this source.
Collinsonia is a specific in the early stages of hemorrhoids, and will sometimes effect a cure in the advanced stages of the disease. In this case it is employed in small doses: R Fluid Extract of Collinsonia, ej.; Water, 3iv.; a teaspoonful four times a day.
I have given the therapeutics of Collinsonia thus briefly, that the points named might make the greater impression upon the reader. I regard it as one of the most direct and valuable agents of the Materia Medica, and one that will give satisfaction to whoever employs it.
1883: Scudder
The root of the collinsonia canadensis – U.S.
Preparations: In its olden time use as a diuretic, an infusion of the entire plant was employed. For its specific use, we employ a tincture of the root.Dose: Of the tincture, from the fraction of a drop to 3ss. according to the use of the remedy.
Therapeutic Action: Collinsonia is reputed diuretic, diaphoretic, tonic, astringent, stimulant, carminative, emetic, discutient and lithontriptic. Numerous are the properties said to be possessed by this agent; and it is often employed in domestic practice for various purposes. It is esteemed diuretic, and has been used in dropsies and chronic diseases of the urinary passages, and is a reputed lithontriptic, and as such has been highly extolled in calculous affections. As to its capability of dissolving urinary concretions, we have our doubts, although it may be serviceable in allaying the irritation caused by the presence of calculi. It has been found useful in colic, spasm of the stomach and bowels, and after-pains,: owing to its stimulant and carminative properties, and favourable reports are made of its utility in night-sweats. As a tonic is has been recommended in indigestion, and as a diaphoretic in rheumatism. It has also been said to be an effectual remedy in headache. Prof. Wood states that a decoction of the fresh root is said to have been used with advantage in catarrh of the bladder, leucorrhea, gravel, dropsy and other complaints; and the leaves are applied by the country people, in the form of cataplasm or fomentation, to wounds, bruises and sores, and in cases of internal abdominal pains.
Specific Indications: Irritation with sense of constriction in the larynx. Pressure at the supra-renal notch. Oppression with tightness in epigastrium. Painful constriction of rectum, of ostium vaginae, and of urethra. Haemorrhoids, with contraction of the sphincter, and sense of foreign body (irritant) in the rectum.
Specific Uses: The indications as above given will give a quite extended field for this valuable remedy. Our first use of the remedy was in minister’s sore throat, for which it is as near a specific as a remedy can be for the name of a disease. It is also a prominent remedy in chronic laryngitis, and in some cases of tracheitis and bronchitis.
In functional heart disease, with gastric irritation, it is a prominent remedy. It is also a remedy in some cases of chronic gastritis, and irritative dyspepsia. In these cases I give it in the large doses – R Tinct, Collinsonia 3j. to 5ij., Simple Syrup 3iij. to 3iv.; a teaspoonful every four hours.
In diseases of the rectum, and in haemorrhoids with the indications given, we employ the small dose – R Tinct. Collinsonia gtt.v. to gtt.x., water 3iv.; a teaspoonful every three or four hours. With the sense of constriction, and of an irritant body in the rectum, it is as prompt and direct as any remedy in the materia medica.
It is not so frequently indicated in diseases of women, or in diseases of the urinary organs, but cases will be found in which it goes directly to the spot, and gives relief.
Take a fluid extract of collinsonia an dsimple syrup, equal parts, seven ounces; tincture of phosphorus, half an ounce; fluid extract of leptandra, one and a half ounces; citrate of iron, one drachm. This possesses, in addition to its tonic properties, phosphorus in a soluable form, for the nutrition of the nervous tissues, and iron to increase the red globules of the blood.
1887: Scudder: COLLINSONIA
The collinsonia is my favorite remedy in many of the cases requiring an agent to increase the appetite and digestion. Its action is gentle, but persistent, not only increasing the tone of the stomach, but strengthening the nervous system, and improving secretion from the skin, kidneys and bowels. I direct fluid extract of collinsonia an dsimple syrup, equal parts, a teaspoonful four times a day.
1895: Watkins
Chronic cystitis: sharp pain and aching in the bladder, congestion of mucous membrane, vesical tenesmus. contracted abdomen, pain in lower bowels, sharp sticking pain in anal region, as if some foreign body were lodged there, full pulse, sticking pain in heart, sharp sticking pain in bladder, vesical tenesmus, haemorrhoids.
Laryngeal and bronchial irritation, sore throat, cough with sense of pain and contriction in larynx, cough aggravated by speaking, sticking pain in larynx, feeling of foreign body in larynx, minister’s sore throat, contracted abdomen, pain in lower bowels, sharp sticking pain in anal region as if some foreign body were lodged thre, full pulse, sticking pain in heart, sharp sticking pain in bladder, vesical tenesmus, hemorrhoids. One ounce to four ounces of water; teaspoonful every two hours.
1898: Webster
Collisonia relieves certain bladder affections due to fullness of the pelvic blood vessels. Sharp pain and aching in the bladder accompanying haemorrhoids are usually relieved by this remedy. It has been recommended in cystitis, but I think it will be of little use here, though where the mucous membrane of the bladder is congested it may relieve this by ts strengthening influence on the pelvic veins and circulation generally.
Tenesmus attending haemorrhoids is usually relived by collisonia. What ever vesical symptoms it relieves, the effects may be ascribed largely, if not entirely, to the effects exerted upon the pelvic veins and capillaries.
Form for administration: The green plant tincture.
Dose: From the fraction of a drop to five drops.
Collinsonia is a tonic to the digestive organs and benefits some cases of dyspepsia. probably the cases benefitted most markedly will be found to be those arising from rectal derangement-a very common cause of indigestion.
The special use of the remedy is for the treatment of hemorrhoids, and other rectal disturbances. In hemorrhoids, even though they have become chronic, its effects are usually pronounced. The pain and fullness soon subside and the unpleasant features of the case all disappear, and often the cure seems lasting; at least the difficulty may not return for years.
In severe rectal pain, even where there is no ocular evidence of structural change, collinsonia will often prove curative. Whether the drug exerts any influence over the sensitive nerves of the part to relieve neurosis I am unable to say, but it seems sometimes as though this might be the case. I have relieved the most excruciating rectal pain with collinsonia in a few minutes that formerly would have seemed to imperatively demand the use of the powerful opiate, and the pain once relieved would not return.
Occasionally, after a surgical operation on the rectum, the patient is harassed by severe pain for several days, and the attendant will be tempted to administer an opiate. This, however, is liable to be followed by constipation, and collinsonia will here be a better remedy, as in a few days its effect is usually very satisfactory in relieving the suffering.
The irritation attending rectal pockets, rectal ulcers, fistula ani, and other rectal and anal troubles may be much modified by the use of collinsonia and though such palliation would not usually serve an intelligent purpose, yet there are times when something of the kind is very desirable.
Shoemaker recommends collinsonia locally in spasmodic stricture of the anus, and though such treatment cannot serve any permanent purpose, yet it illustrates the power of this drug over the functions of the lower portion of the alimentary canal.
There is a certain form of abdominal pain which is promptly relieved by collinsonia, and though this is not a frequent symptom it occurs sufficiently often to demand attention. This is pain confined to the hypogastrium, presumably of rectal origin. If not evidently proceeding from vesical complication collinsonia may be employed with confidence. I have relieved several cases of chronic hypogastric pain since I began to prescribe collinsonia for it, promptly and permanently. Formerly, I failed to accomplish anything satisfactory with other remedies.
Form for Administration- A saturated tincture of the fresh plant.
Dose-Add from one to two drachms of the tincture to half a tumbler of water and give a teaspoonful every few minutes, in acute pain. For more chronic states give a teaspoonful every three or four hours.
1901 : Harvey W Felter (Alternatives) – COLLINSONIA – Stone Root
SYNONYMS – Horse Balm, Horse Weed, Rich Weed, Knob Root, etc
BOTANICAL ORIGIN – The rhizome of Collinsonia canadensis , Linne; Nat. Ord., Labiatae. Woodlands of North America .
SPECIFIC COLLINSONIA – This is one of the most difficult preparations to make. Collinsonia is hard as stone and tough as leather, being very difficult to powder or grind. Specific Collinsonia represents the finely ground recent root.
This is an indigenous plant found in rich woods from Canada to the Carolinas , and is called Stone, Root, from the hardness of its rhizome. It flowers from July to September. Its root is white and has a strong balsamic odor and pungent taste. Alcohol and water partially extract its virtues, and tincture or infusion may be used. It is diuretic, diaphoretic, tonic, astringent (from the tannic acid it contains), stimulant, carminative, discutient, and alternative.
Collinsonia is a very good alternative in chronic diseases of the urinary organs, acting specifically in many instances, in dropsy, calculous affections, etc. It has a good influence on the digestive process and improves the appetite. It relieves irritation of the mucous surfaces, especially of the pelvic viscera. It is valuable in atonic dyspepsia, and is specific for hemorrhoids with a constant sensation of some foreign body in the lower bowels. In atonic dyspepsia with constipation good results may be expected from it. It is especially good if hemorrhoids are also present. It relieves hemorrhoids in the pregnant female. Use it in dysmenorrhoea, leucorrhoea, and prolapsus uteri, if there be hemorrhoids associated with these disorders. For these hemorrhoidal and other rectal disorcers the small dose acts better than the large one. As a rule give the following:
R. Specific Collinsonia, gtt. x. to xv. or xxx.
Aqua, fl 3 iv.
Sig. – Dose, a teaspoonful four times a day.
This agent has a specific influence on the tissues and valves of the heart, hence it becomes very valuable in some heart troubles. For rheumatic carditis it is very reliable remedy. It is also valuable in chronic inflammation of the pericardium, giving rise to dropsical effusions. It is claimed to be an absolute specific for ministers’ sore throat, and in chronic disease of the larynx, bronchi, etc. checking the cough and disease. For the throat trouble give it much stronger than recommended for hemorrhoids.
R. Specific Collinsonia, fl 3 ss.
Simple Syrup, fl 3 iss. M.
Sig. – Dose, from one-half to one teaspoonful every three hours.
Use the remedy in spermatorrhoea accompanied with hemorrhoids. Owing to the fact that it does not derange the stomach it is an excellent remedy.
1901: Locke
Collisonia is a very good alterative in chronic diseases of the urinary organs, acting specifically in many instances, in dropsy, calculous affections, etc.
1905: Peterson
Tonic, stimulant, carminative, alterative, diuretic, diaphoretic, and astringent.
Indications: Sense of constriction, pain and constriction with irritation in throat, larynx, bladder and anus;a feeling as if a foreign body was lodged in the part. Pain in the rectum and lower bowels.
Use: Has a special influence on the nervous system and mucous membranes, removing congestion and improving circulation to the capillaries. This influence is most marked in relaxed conditions of the mucous membranes of the throat and lower bowels. A valuable remedy in sore throat, laryngitis, pharyngitis, with relaxed and enfeebled capillary circulation. May be combined to advantage with other indicated remedies in atonic dyspepsia, catarrhal gastritis with defective circualtion and irritable condition of the heart from weakness. In hemorrhoids, when indicated, it is our best remedy. In these cases it should be used in small doses. Scudder remomends it in nurses sore mouth, and no doubt it is effective in such cases where there is relaxed condition with impaired capillary circulation to the parts. It is generally given in doses of four t six drops, with the excpetion of hemorrhoids, where half to one drop doses are more than effective than the larger doses.
1906: Ellingwood
Shoemaker extols collisonia in the treatment of acute cystitis. Combined with aconite, he has excellent results. In some cases he combines it with narcotics, and uses it as a rectal or vaginal injection, or it may be incorporated in a suppository for this purpose. It promptly relieves spasms of the sphincters and vaginismus.
1909: Felter and Lloyd: COLLINSONIA – STONE-ROOT
History – Collinsonia is found in damp, shady situations, and in rich, moist woods, from Canada to Florida , and flowering from July to September. The whole plant has a peculiar, lemon-like, balsamic odor, rather disagreeable in the root, and a spicy, pungent taste. The fresh root, which is the part chiefly employed in Eclectic medicine, is exceedingly hard, requiring to be crushed in an iron mortar, in order to prepare it for pharmaceutical manipulation. It has a sharp, spicy taste. Water and alcohol extract its virtues, but boiling destroys its medicinal properties, as its active principle is evanescent. It is most familiar under the name Stone-root, because of the hardness of its root, and not, as stated by Johnson (Med. Bot.), on account of its having been formerly used in calculous affections. This plant was named in honor of Peter Collinson, an English merchant, botanist, and antiquarian, who introduced many American trees, shrubs, and plants into English gardens.
Action, Medical Uses, and Dosage – Collinsonia is said to be alterative, tonic, stimulant, and diuretic. It acts principally on the venous system and mucous tissues, and undoubtedly has a marked action on the vagus, relieving irritation in parts to which that nerve is distributed. Minute doses of the green plant will promptly provoke emesis. The warm infusion will induce perspiration. It has long been a popular domestic remedy for various disorders. The bruised leaves were applied as a poultice in burns, bruises, wounds, ulcers, sores, sprains, contusions, and for internal abdominal ailments. The root was used in female complaints, piles, urinary diseases, and gastro-intestinal affections.
The remedy has been used with varying degrees of success by the profession in female disorders, as amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, menorrhagia, vicarious menstruation, prolapsus uteri, leucorrhoea, threatened abortion, and pruritis valvae, dependent on varicosis.
Stone-root, being diuretic and tonic, was formerly much used in genito-urinary troubles. It was highly thought of in calculous diathesis. While very much overrated, it is probable that it was not without beneficial results in toning the renal organs and allaying irritation consequent upon the presence of gravel. It is certainly a good remedy in vesical catarrh. Good results have come from its employment in spermatorrhoea and varicocele, when accompanied by piles. Catarrhal conditions, whether of renal, vesical, or genito-urinary organs, or of the respiratory mucous surfaces, are speedily benefited by it. Even the cough of phthisis is rendered much less harassing by its administration.
One of the first uses of collinsonia by Eclectics was in the treatment of that form of laryngitis known as “minister’s sore throat.” For this condition it is the best agent we possess. It is equally valuable in other forms of chronic laryngitis, pharyngitis, and in some cases of chronic bronchitis, and tracheitis. It is an excellent remedy for aphonia, resulting from vascular hyperemia, or from congestion. In throat troubles: R Specific collinsonia, fl3ii to fl3j; simple syrup, q.s., fl3iv. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful every 3 or 4 hours.
In diseases of the gastro-intestinal tract, it is beneficial in relieving irritation, improving the appetite, promoting the flow of gastric juice, and in exerting a decided tonic effect upon the organs involved. It is more clearly indicated when piles are present as a complication. It is a good remedy in indigestion, irritative dyspepsia, chronic gastritis, chronic gastric catarrh, diarrhoea, dysentery, colic, and spasmodic conditions of the stomach and intestines. By its tonic action upon the bowels, it is a valuable remedy for constipation. Perhaps one of the most direct indication for collinsonia, is a hemorrhoidal and constipated state due to vascular engorgement of the pelvic viscera. The most marked symptoms calling for it will be a sense of constriction, heat, and weight in the rectum, with dry, scybalous feces. Under these conditions the remedy gives marked relief, especially in pregnant women. In rectal ailments give the small dose: R Specific collinsonia, gtt. x to xv; aqua, fl3iv. Mix. Sig. Teaspoonful every 3 or 4 hours. It is useful also in hemorrhoids where there is rectal irritation, with the feces partly scybalous and partly semi-fluid, no constipation being present. Prof. Scudder has found it to effect cures in doses of 1 or 2 drops of specific collinsonia in water, repeated 3 or 4 times a day. Subacute proctitis, the tenesmus accompanying dysentery, and dysenteric cholera infantum, rectal pain and inflammation following surgical operations in that region, irritation attending anal fistulae, rectal ulcers and pockets are all relieved by collinsonia, the latter conditions, however, being only palliated by it. It relieves neurotic pains in the rectal region, though no appreciable lesion be observed, and certain forms of hypogastric pain are relieved by it when not due to bladder trouble. All of these pains are more amenable to it when associated with rectal capillary congestion. Prof. J. M. Scudder valued this agent very highly as a stimulant and tonic in cases of atonic dyspepsia, and in chronic disease with feeble digestion, increasing secretion from the kidneys and skin, and in a marked manner relieving irritation of the nervous system and increasing innervation. In chronic diseases of the respiratory apparatus it relieves pulmonary irritation and acts as a stimulating expectorant. In irritation of the pneumogastric nerve, heart disease, and that peculiarly distressing asthma simulating, and sometimes attending phthisis, he has observed more particularly its superior influence in quieting irritation, giving increased strength and regularity to the heart’s action, and increasing the strength of the patient. Collinsonia acts upon the tissues and valves of the heart, relieving irritation, increasing its power to act, and regulating its contractions. It is a serviceable drug in hydropericardium, rheumatic heart troubles, and functional disturbances due to irritation of the stomach. Mitral regurgitation and the distressing cough of heart disease, are greatly benefited by its administration. R Specific collinsonia, gtt. iij every hour. Lack of tonicity of the blood vessels is overcome by collinsonia. In short, passive vascular engorgement with dilated capillaries, torpid portal circulation, and lack of muscular tonicity, call for stone-root. The keynote is a sense of weight and constriction in the part affected.
Foltz uses collinsonia in ear diseases with increased secretions non-purulent in character, failing to get good results after suppuration ensues; he also employs it in the early stage of middle ear disorders when follicular pharyngitis and hypertrophied Luschka’s glands are complications.
Other species of Collinsonia probably possess similar virtues. Dose of the infusion, from 1/2 to 2 fluid ounces. Webster prefers a strong tincture of the green plant to that of the root, in doses of a fraction of a drop to 5 drops in acute cases, 4 or 5 times a day in chronic troubles; specific collinsonia (root), 1/10 to 15 drops, the smaller dose being preferable in hemorrhoids; tincture, 10 to 30 drops 4 times a day.
Collinsonin – This concentration is a light-brown powder resembling snuff in appearance, and has a slightly bitter, sharp taste. It is but little used.
Specific Indications and Uses – Prof. Scudder points out as indications for this drug, “sense of constriction, with irritation in throat, larynx, or anus; a sense of constriction with tickling in throat, with cough arising from use of the voice; a sensation as if a foreign body were lodged in the rectum, with contraction of sphincter, and contracted and painful perineum.” Sticking pain in the larynx, heart, or bladder; contracted abdomen; vesical tenesmus; minister’s sore throat.
1911: Fyfe
Irritation, with a sense of constriction in the larynx, oppression, with tightness in the epigastrium,painful constriction in the rectum, hemorrhoids, with a constriction of the sphincter, and a sense of a forighn body in the rectum, funcitonal diseases of the heart, chronic laryngitis, cough arising from excessive use of the heart, catarrhal conditions of the respiratory mucous membranes, catarrhal conditions of the genitourinary organs, spasmodic conditions of the stomach and intestines, hemorrhoids in the pregnant female.
Collinsonia is one of our most frequently indicated remedies. Ministers sore throat, heart disease, diseases of the kidneys, chronic gastritis, diarrhea and dyssentery are among the most common abnormal conditions calling for its exhibition. Collinsonia canadensis is tonic, stimulant, astringent, diaphoretic, diuretic, and alterative. In very large doses it is irritant and emetic.
Synonym – Stone Root.
Constituents – Volatile oil, resin.
Preparations – Specific Medicine Collinsonia. Dose, from one to sixty minims.
Extractum Collinsoniae Fluidum, Fluid Extract of Collinsonia. Dose, from two to fifteen minims.
Tincture Collinsoniae, Tincture of Collinsonia. Dose, from five to thirty minims.
All preparations should be made from the green plant.
Physiological Action – Collinsonia stimulates the stomach, promoting its own absorption. It is actively tonic in its influence upon the entire function of this organ, and from this influence its beneficial action is exercised upon the function of all the vital organs.
Collinsonia acts as a tonic to enfeebled muscular structure of the heart. It is conspicuous in its ability to overcome relaxed and out of tone conditions of the salls of the veins. It has a direct influence upon atonic and dilated or otherwise impaired conditions of the veins and arteries.
Specific Symptomatology – In piles with a sense of fullness, or of a foreign body int he rectum, in all relaxed conditions of the mucous membranes of the lower bowel, collinsonia is the remedy. it works more promptly if there is passive congestion with blueness or dark discoloration of the membranes, showing imperfect venous capillary circulation.
Collinsonia is given where there is a sensation of constriction, heat and weight in the rectum; where there is deficient secretion from imperfect capillary circulation in the mucous membranes, the patient passing the feces in the form of dry scybala.
Therapy – It is a specific remedy for hemorrhoids. If they are of recent origin they can be cured in a comparatively short time with this agent. The most intractable cases will be relieved an dpermanently benefited by its persistent use. There is no therapeutic influence more reliable than this. I have relied upon it for years.
In catarrhal gastritis, where the circulation is defective, collinsonia, either alone or combined with hydrastis, is of first importance. These agents combined improve the tone of the stomach, strengthening its walls and its mucous membranes, an dincreasing the strength and character of its glandular structure. They increase the appetite and greatly improve the digestion and assimilation of food.
This combination is a superb general tonic in relaxed and debilitated conditions, and combined with iron can hardly be excelled.
Acute inflammations do not promptly yield to collinsonia, although it is an excellent auxiliary to the indicated treatment.
When piles are operated upon, this remedy may be given before and after the operation to most excellent advantage. The author has cured many cases by combining equal parts of the fluid extracts of collinsonia an dhamamelis virginica, and giving from twenty to thirty drops of the mixed extracts every two hours. The distilled extract of hamamelis can be injected into the rectum, or kept in contact with the external piles by a compress, especially during sleep. Or an occasional application of the liquor of the persulphate of iron in full strength can be made to stubborn external piles.
Collinsonia is of great value in the hemorrhoids of the pregnant female, with imperfect venous circulation in the pelvic viscera.
Pain in the rectum from whatever cause, especially pain not attributable to a definite cause, and pain after surgical operations or a sensation of weight, construction and general uneasiness in the rectum are quickly and more or less permanently relieved by collinsonia. In pain in the lower bowels, persistent and steady, collinsonia is specific. Either single full doses, or doses of five minims of the tincture every ten minutes, should be given in water. It is superior to opium in some cases.
Collinsonia is a heart tonic of direct and permanent influence. It does not seem to stimulate the heart to sudden action, but its continued use induces steady, permanent and highly satisfactory improvement in the strength and character of the organ, and a correspondingly improved general circulation.
It is valuable when the heart is debilitated from protracted fevers, or from rheumatic inflammation or from overstrain. It will be found excellent in the bicycle heart, in conjunction with small doses of cactus grand.
In chronic laryngitis or pharyngitis, with relaxed walls of the larynx, with dark discoloration and enfeebled capillary circulation, collinsonia exercises a specific influence, especially in the condition known as clergyman’s sore throat, caused or increased by the use of the voice.
In atonic conditions of the circulation of a local character, where passive hemorrhages are of frequent occurrence without apparent cause, where there is increasing debility, collinsonia and hamamelis in conjunction given as above indicated are positively curative.
I have made some important observations within the last five years, and have collected the observations of others, which must be added to our knowledge of this remedy. Guided by its influence upon the walls of the veins, I have given it in large doses persistently in the treatment of varicocele, and have obtained satisfactory results. I would advise that it be given in the early stage of this difficulty, and if the condition is anticipated in boys, or youth at the age of puberty, the patient may be put on this remedy and kept on it, for some time.
My suggestions concerning its positive action in hemorrhoids alone, or combined with hamamelis, as may be indicated, have been acted upon by very many physicians who have reported brilliant results,a nd an increasing confidence in the remedy.
This agent having a specific influence as suggested above, upon the walls of both the veins and the arterioles has been my most reliable remedy in the treatment of varicosis. This may be general or local, it may be permanent or temporary, as in pregnancy. I have had admirable results with this and hamamelis combined in the treatment of extreme cases of varicosis of the vaginal walls and pudenda, during pregnancy. Cases which would certainly otherwise have demanded an operation before delivery for the patient’s safety, were cured fully before delivery with no complicating influences. I would prize it most highly for this result alone.
I had under observation, for a short time, the worst case of epilepsy it has every been my lot to treat. The paroxysms, if the patient was not saturated with medicine, would occur many times a day. The patient’s mind ultimately became a blank.
The paroxysms were completely controlled during a period of nearly two years, by tablespoonful doses of the fluid extract of collinsonia three or four times daily. Given at the beginning of an attack, it wuold ward off the attack.
I have not been able to find many other physicians who have made any observation of the remedy in the control of convulsions, but it certainly exercised that influence in this case, and therefore should be used in similar cases, and the results reported. It acted in every way similar to the bromodes for which it was given as a substitute.
Other writers attribute anti-spasmodic properties to collinsonia. In the treatment of chorea, some writers have given it with excellent results, believing it to be superior to macrotys or arsenic in this disease.
In sub-acute proctitis, and muco-enteritis, with dysentery, or following dysentery, or when dysenteric phenomena are present during cholera infantum, with pain or inflammation in the rectum, this agent is important.
Where operations have been performed upon the rectum for ulcers, piles, fistula, or the removal of pockets, the consequent soreness is directly relieved with full doses of collinsonia. Pain in the rectum that cannot be attributed to any given cause can be relieved by collinsonia. Dr. Scudder advised the use of this agent in small doses. I have been obliged to give it in doses of from ten to twenty minims to secure the desired results. I am confident that the larger dosage will give more satisfaction.
Foltz employed this agent where there was inflammation in the middle ear, when there was follicular pharyngitis and hypertrophy of the glands of the throat. Chronic thickening of these membranes with enlarged capillaries, will be relieved by it.
Shoemaker extols collinsonia in the treatment of acute cystitis. Combined with aconite, he has excellent results. In some cases he combines it with narcotics, and uses it as a rectal or vaginal injection, or it may be incorporated in a suppository for this purpose. It promptly relieves spasms of the sphincters and vaginismus.1
Disclaimer: The author makes no guarantees as to the the curative effect of any herb or tonic on this website, and no visitor should attempt to use any of the information herein provided as treatment for any illness, weakness, or disease without first consulting a physician or health care provider. Pregnant women should always consult first with a health care professional before taking any treatment.