Alum root is astringent, styptic, and antiseptic. It is a very powerful astringent, andwas formerly used when patients were loosing blood from thee mouth, anus, or vagina. Lovely. Not a plant that gets much use today, as, when people are thus afflicted, they usually report to the ER.
Notes from the Eclectic Physicians
Notes from the Eclectic Physicians
1883: Scudder
Alum root is astringent, styptic, and antiseptic. It is a very powerful astringent, and may be used in case of excessive morbid changes wherever the geranium or statice is indicated.
It may be used internally in cases of hemoptysis, menorrhagia, uterine hemorrhage, etc;also in cases of diarrhea and chronic dysentery, and whenever there is a relaxed or atonic state of the intestinal mucous exhalants. it may be used in diabetes, leucorrhea, copious bronchial secretions, night sweats, etc, as an internal agent.
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