This plant was used by the Eclectic Physicians to treat ague cake and was thought to improve blood making. I just have a few mentions from them on the subject.
Notes from the Eclectic Physicians
Notes from the Eclectic Physicians
1874: Scudder
Prepare a tincture from the fresh root, 35viij.to alchol 76%Oj.
Dose- from gtt.j.to gtts.x in water.
The action of this variety of siphium, if we are to believe reports of the few who use it, is very direct and certain upon the chylopeoitic viscera. It is claimed that it is one of the best remedies in the treatment of aguecake, and congestiof of the liver and spleen, so frequently associated with chronic intermittents. It is but litte employed , but deserves thorough investigation.
1883: Scudder(alterative)
Preparation – Tincture of Silphium Perfoliatum.
Dose -From one to ten drops in water.
The action of this variety of Silphium, if we are to believe the reports of the few who use it, is very direct and certain upon the chylopoietic viscera. it is claimed that it is one of the best remedies in the tratement of ague-cake, an dcongestion of liver and spleen, so frequently associated with chronic intermittents.
1898: Felter and Lloyd – SILPHIUM – INDIAN CUP-PLANT
Action, Medical Uses, and Dosage – Cup-plant is tonic, diaphoretic, and alterative. A strong infusion of the root, made by long steeping, or an extract, is said to be one of the best remedies for the removal of ague-cake or enlarged spleen. It is also useful in intermittent and remittent fevers, internal bruises, debility, ulcers, liver affections,a nd as a general alterative restorative. The gum is said to be stimulant and antispasmodic. The dose of the powdered root is 20 grains; tincture (fresh root, 3viij to alcohol, 76 per cent, Oj), 1 to 20 drops, in water.
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