I can’t blow the trumpet for bugleweed because I don’t know much about it. What I do know was that it was used like Digitalis in the treatment of chronic heart disease. Probably an herb for the researchers and hopefully someone will look at it.
Notes from the Eclectic Physicians
Notes from the Eclectic Physicians
1905: Petersen
Syn -Bugleweed; Lycopus
P. E. – Herb
N. O. – Labiatae
N. H. – United States and Canada
Properties:Sedative, tonic, astringent, narcotic
Use: Its main influence is on the thoracic viscera. Acts on the heart as a nerve sedative, also constricting the blood vessels, and to some extent the capillaries, and diminishin the flow of blood. Like digitalis it will reduce the felocity of the pulse but does not accumulate in the system nor does it impair the nutrition of the heart as digitalis will, nor is it depressing in its after effects. In functional or organic heart disease where there is a feeling of oppression in the region of the heart, irritability an ddyspnoea, it is a valuable remedy. It has proven a good remedy in some cases of dilatation, hypertrophy and valvular lesions of the heart.As it is not irritating to the gastro-intestinal tract it can be used a long time without any bad effect, as is the case with other heart remedies. In tumultous action of the heart with high fever and pulmonary symptoms it has proven to be of value. In high fevers of typhoid and some other fevers it has proven a valuable assistant in the reduction of heat without any bad after effects. Acts favourably on the temperature in phthisis, pulmonalis and chronic inflammation of the lungs. We also think of it in hemorrhages due to determination of blood tot he tissues of the lungs, kidneys and gastro-intestinal tract. it controls vascular excitement and passive hemorrhage. Of value in haemoptysis, exopthalmic goitre, and some cases of diabetis, irritable cough in inflammation of lungs. It improves digestion, gives appetite and relieves irritation of the gastro-intestinal tract.
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