According to the Eclectics, Kino is astringent and tonic. It was mostly employed to lessen or arrest excessive morbid discharges, whether of a sanguineous, mucous or purulent character. Yuck!
Notes from the Eclectic Physicians
Notes from the Eclectic Physicians
1883: Scudder
Kino is astringent and tonic. It is mostly employed to lessen or arrest excessive morbid discharges, whether of a sanguinous, serous, mucous or purulent character. In cases of diarrhea, dysentery,, unattended with febrile or inflammatory excitement, it often proves highly beneficial. It is more frequently exhibited in chronic diarrhea. In excessive morbid discharges from the bowels, the kino is often associated with opium and prepared chalk, or some other absorbents, as the carbonate or calcined magnesia.
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