Notes from the Eclectic Physicians
Notes from the Eclectic Physicians
1874: J.M. Scudder
In resting these indigenous remedies, will some one prepare a tincture from the fresh May weed and give it a thorough trial? The direction of the investigation will be shown by reference to the Dispensatory or Materia Medica.
1883: Scudder:(tonic)
The flowers of anthemis cotula U.S. Dose: Cold infusion, 3j. to 3ij., as a tonic; as a diaphoretic, the warm infusion is given in doses of from 3ij. to 3iv.
Therapeutic Action: May weed is tonic, stomachic, sudorific, emetic, anodyne, discutient, revulsive and emmenagogue, being possessed of many properties in common with the preceding variety. In small doses it invigorates the digestive organs and improves the general tone of the system. To fulfill this indication it should be used in the form of a cold infusion. The warm infusion, taken freely, is very useful for promoting perspiration.
1909: Felter and Lloyd: COTULA – MAY-WEED
History – May-weed is indigenous to Europe, and is commn in this country, where it is known as Wild chamomile, Dog fennel, etc. It may be found growing in waste places, in hard, dry soils, especially along roadsides. Its flowers are white, and appear from June until September. Every part of the plant is acrid and fetid, and according to Linnaeus, is grateful to toads, and is annoying to fleas and flies. The whole plant is medicinal. Its taste is bitter and pungent; water or alcohol extract its properties.
Action, Medical Uses, and Dosage -Tonic, emetic, antispasmodic, emmenagogue and epispastic. The cold infusion or extract may be substituted, as a tonic and antispasmodic, in all cases, for the foreign article. The extract may be used in sick headache, and in convalescence from fevers. A warm infusion may be used as an emetic or diaphoretic. It has been efficient in amennorrhoea. The fresh plant bruised and applied to the skin, will cause vesication, and sores heal readily. A powerful epispastic is made by preparing the fresh leaves of M. Cotula and Polygonum punctatum, equal parts, and moistening them with a small quantity o fspirits of turpentine. Dose of the infusion, from 1 to 4 fluid ounces, as often as required.
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