Black Raspberries are the worlds best fruit.... a totally unknown wonder berry.... that you should know about!
I planted red and black raspberries and the following year had lots of both. But, what I was not prepared for was this. The black raspberry has a unique flavor and beats the crap out of the red raspberry taste. I am talking about night and day. Once I had tasted black raspberries, I never wanted to eat a red one again.
And please note. I did not say blackberry, which I think is a stupid fruit, I said BLACK RASPBERRY. Its just like a red raspberry but its jet black. The flavor is not even remotely similar to its red cousin. I make juice, jelly, and jam out of it. Probably my favorite is black raspberry juice which I hold onto like its gold. I make it once a year, can it, and then bring out it for special company or when I am feeling especially sorry for myself. Its so delicious it will bring you out of the worst mood in a flash.
The reason you have probably never tasted one is that they are not produced commercially. You cant buy them. To savor their exquisite taste, you will have to grow your own!